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Energising bath and stress relieving salts are made with high quality essential oils to help you give a soulful bathing experience.


Moon represents the mind of a person in astrology. The action and reaction of a person is determined through 'moon' and its placement in the horoscope. The birth star is also analysed through the Moon Sign as it signifies the mental stability of a person. Each of these signs is known for displaying certain characteristics and behaviours. So if you understand some of the common characteristics associated with your Moon sign, both positive and challenging, you can look towards essential oils or bathing salts enriched with essential oils to help you nurture and heal both emotional and physical health problems.


We do not use fragrance to any of our products made as per the Moon Sign. The fragrance they emit is of the pure and unadulterated essential oils used.


After finding out in which Moon Sign you are born, we recommend bathing salt that will help balance the doshas.

Bathing Salt as per Moon sign

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